Saturday, October 25, 2008


Welcome to the ECAPC Blog

Message from the National Director

Our excessively violent and punitive culture has created a toxic atmosphere that has poisoned every facet of our communal lives. The violence is not limited to American culture. It extends to religions, ethnicities and societies the world over. The toll in sheer human anguish; the cost in quality of life; the deepening of bitter hatreds and ethic hostilities extending the suffering indefinitely into future generations is a price far too high for us to pay and a burden shamelessly left our children to bear. There is simply too much weeping and wailing.

The state of American society and our world is an eloquent testimony to the Church’s failure of spiritual nerve, loss of hope and lack of firm moral direction. This is more dangerous now than at any other time in our history. The struggle to realize the Peaceable Kingdom and the Beloved Community is becoming increasingly tedious in an age of meticulously managed media and the orchestration of mass manipulation promoting the anti-values of materialism, militarism and American exceptionalism.

The great Christian orator, Dr. Gardner C. Taylor once asked, “How Shall They Preach?” Every Church A Peace Church must ask, “How Shall We Live?” We cannot prosper and we shall not survive unless we indeed stop this spiral downward toward complete moral and spiritual chaos with the Church sidelined, shamelessly silent and pathetically paralyzed. ECAPC is determined to share the philosophy and principles of nonviolence. It is our purpose to teach each church to practice peace and deepen its witness to the Kingdom of God. Peace is indissolubly linked to justice. Without justice the appearance of peace is a perversion of God’s Will.

“Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the Children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

God Bless America and Our world,
Rev. Matthew V. Johnson Sr., Ph.D.